Chestnuthill Township Maps
The maps are digital copies of official documents, they may not be exact duplicates, they are provided for your convenience, official documents are available for review at the Township office.
Be advised all maps are in PDF format.
Chestnuthill Township Article 4 Official Map
View the official map of Chestnuthill Township as of February 2015
Find the Chestnuthill Township Zoning Map as of February 2014
Act 167 Stormwater Management Map
Explore the Stormwater Management Map, which is a plan update for Act 167, as of November​ 2003
Rt. 209 & Sr. 715 Improvements Map
View the map for intersection improvements on 715 and 209
Find the Flood Plains Map on the FEMA website
Explore the Major Linear Features of the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of August 2001
View the Natural Areas of the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of January 2003
Find the prime Agricultural Soils of the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of January 2003 ​
Explore the Steep Slopes Map for Chestnuthill Township ​
View the Streams, Watersheds, and Floodplains for the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of January 2003
Find the Wetlands, Wet Soils, and other Water Resources of the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of January 2003 ​
Explore the Woodlands and Unique Natural Features of the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of March 2001
Potential Conservation Areas Map
Find the Potential Conservation Areas of the Open Space and Recreation Plan as of January 2003